zucchini blossom fritata copy

A Frittata is an Italian omelet. It’s cooked open-faced in a saute pan on the stove top and then finished in the oven. For this omelet instead of stuffing the zucchini blossoms with cheese and frying them in an egg and flour batter (which is the traditional way of cooking them) I put the blossoms and cheese in the egg.

4-5 zucchini blossoms

4 large eggs—beaten

Goat or brie cheese (or a combination of your favorite)

1 sprig fresh chopped basil or parsley

Season to taste


Place a 9-inch non-stick pan over medium heat

Melt a pat of butter, heat for a moment and add the eggs. As egg begins to cook, loosen the edges so that the still raw eggs run off the sides. Once the bottom of the egg if firm, remove from the heat and add the blossoms and pat the cheese (in small dollops) around it like a pizza topping.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes or until the top is firm and no longer runny. Loosen the edges; slide it off the pan and onto a plate. Top with some fresh chopped parsley or basil and serve.


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