A Note from the Chef
I have been called a master at making lemonade out of lemons. Maybe that’s because I’ve had so much practice. Sad to say, I suppose, but the process of getting to sweet lemonade is always priceless.
One of the many things I know for sure is that our failures can almost always be turned into opportunities.
Recently I got serious about growing my business. I love what I do and a very smart lady said that when we don’t share what we do with others, we’re doing others a disservice by not offering them something they want and need. Wow…never thought of it like that! That got me going. I signed up for her – the fabulous Marie Forleo – online class and it was one of the best business (and life) decisions I ever made. It recently ended and I learned a ton on how to do things right and how to fix what I did wrong.
Here’s something I did wrong.
I’ve been giving cooking classes, catering parties, and writing these notes for 18 years. Hard to believe. I’ve been having so much fun the years flew by. During that time, I’ve gotten thousands of hugs, countless expressions of gratitude and gushing praise. The trouble is…
I didn’t get it in writing.
Yes, some of you sent email testimonials and they meant the world to me…but I need more.
As many of you may know, I’m working on a new website. It’s targeted to be launched in 5 weeks. Finally. I’ve been working non-stop to make it look current and fabulous – instead of from the last decade. And I’m filling it with the best information, recipes, tips and writing that I have in me. As subscribers you’ll have access to it all including lots of members only goodies that I’ll tell you more about in my next newsletter.
Write me a testimonial if you’ve taken a cooking class with me, or used my catering services, or you read and love my “Notes…”
I know for some of you, it’s been a while. But if what you tell me is true, “…that the class or catered event was an unforgettable experience and that you still talk about it years later.”
Then now’s your chance to prove it.
What do you remember? Here’s a few questions to jog your memory.
1. What hesitations did you have before booking a class or catered event and how did that change?
2. What specific feature(s) did you like about my services?
3. How have you benefited from my services (or writing)?
4. Would you recommend me to others and why?
Send your testimonial to me by June 1st and I can include it in the website launch. Click Here
Let me know how you’d like to be posted:
First name and hometown; first and last; include your professional title, company and website if you like.
As I big thank you, I’m not giving you one recipe this month but three. Perfect, easy dips/toppings to kick off the summer entertaining season.
With deep gratitude for your readership and the privilege of entering your inbox each month all these years.