

I love making a salad with whatever I happen to have on hand. It leads to new creations such as this one, avocado, chic peas, tomatoes and arugula. I was planning on making a combo of avocado and tuna but found I didn’t have a can of tuna so chic peas it was. I had made an avocado/egg salad before and it was yummy so I figured why not tuna…or chic peas.

The result was indeed tasty but rather filling so I suggest keeping the portion small. Avocados are rich and chic peas are filling so eat sparingly. But what I discovered the next day was adding a spoonful or two to a mixed green salad was a great way of beefing up the greens and adding creaminess to the dressing.



1 avocado – cut in half and diced

A handful of grape (or cherry) tomatoes – quartered

1 8oz can of chic peas

A handful of baby arugula

1 fresh clove of garlic – finely chopped

1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon of mayonnaise (optional)

Season with salt and pepper

Garnish with fresh chopped parsley



In a small skillet over medium heat add oil and heat until hot but not smoking. Add garlic and cook for about 30 seconds or until it begins to color. Remove from the heat.

Place the avocado, tomatoes, chic peas and arugula into a bowl. Add the oil/garlic mixture, the mayonnaise and toss. Season garnish and serve alone or add a scoop or two to a mixed green salad.





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