
Creamy Chocolate Avocado Mousse

Not as sickly sweet as chocolate mousse but every bit as satisfying and a whole lot healthier this chocolate avocado mousse is a winner on all counts. Furthermore it can be made in minutes in your blender and easily adjusted to fit your preference for how sweet or chocolatey it is.

Below I give you a basic formula but feel free to substitute almond milk for the half and half, stevia or other sweetener for the agave and adjust the amount of cocoa powder to suit your tastes. I kept tasting as I blended adding a bit more of this and that until I got it just right. The result…instant, made from scratch, fabulous desert!



1 large (or 2 small) ripe avocado

1/3 cup half and half

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa

4 teaspoons agave

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Bits of nuts or chocolate pieces for garnish (optional)



Place all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth. Adjust any of the above to taste.


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