The Goods from Pantry to Plate


The Well Stocked Pantry

 What to have on hand to make tasty meals in minutes

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How to Prepare When Preparing to Cook

And the Scoop on Spices

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Choosing the Right Cooking Method

You can go one way or the other

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Pots, Pans and more…

What you really need

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You really only need these 3

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Electronics – Making our Kitchen Work a Whole Lot Easier and Faster



One Comment
  1. Bonnie Yablon January 7, 2017 at 10:04 am - Reply

    Sil, this website and all the information in it, is EXCELLENT! The only thing I would add for idiots like me, is a SHOPPING LIST. Things I will need is such an anxiety killer. Love the whole website. Thanks. I will do some more exploring for appropriate recipes for my low level of competence.

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